For more information call 314-561-8646 or email

How To Apply
Learn how to qualify for a MOScholars Scholarship! Find out:

Tax Credits
Direct your state income taxes to help students in need today!
Learn how to:
Reserve your MOScholars state credit
Use your tax credit to fund scholarships for Missouri children in need of better schools
Claim your tax credit when you file your taxes
Share how to use your taxes to fund scholarships with others
What is MOScholars?
MOScholars is a Missouri K-12 scholarship program that empowers eligible families to select the best school for their children. The scholarships may be used to pay for a variety of educational expenses including tuition at a private school. In addition, other educational expenses like curriculum, transportation, technology, tutoring, and therapies are allowed.
How is MOScholars funded?
MOScholars is funded by private donations and administered by the State Treasurer’s Office. The $75 Million scholarship fund is raised each year through donations from Missouri individuals and companies who receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit.