For more information call 314-561-8646 or email
Earn a 100 % tax-credit* by contributing today to MOScholars to ensure children can go to the school of their dreams this year.
Get your contribution back when you file your taxes..
Follow the simple steps below to claim your credit and help a low-income student or a student with special needs access a $6,760+ K-12 education scholarship today.
* A tax credit is even better than a deduction and can be used by anyone with a state income tax liability. It does not matter if you itemize or not on your taxes. The credit comes off your bottom-line amount due to the state.
Direct your state income taxes to help students in need
It won't cost you a thing
We all have to pay taxes. Make sure yours are helping kids today.​
Three simple steps to claiming your 100% tax credit:
Reserve your tax credits
Reserve your tax credits in any amount of $500 or more by visiting the State Treasurer’s website (click the button below). During this step, you will select from one of six Education Assistance Organizations (EAO is a scholarship-granting organization).
Submit your tax credit authorization along with your donation
Submit your tax credit authorization along with your donation within 30 days to the scholarship organization (EAO) you chose during the reservation process. After your donation is processed the EAO, you will receive a tax credit certificate.
Claim your tax credit
When you file your state taxes for the year, include the tax credit certificate you received to reduce your tax liability by the same amount as the donation you made!
Anyone can use their taxes to support the MOScholars program!
Any individual/entity with a state tax liability can participate.
• An individual subject to state income tax;
• An individual, firm, partner in a firm, corporation or shareholder in an S-Corp doing business in the state and subject to state income tax; and,
• An express company that pays an annual tax on its gross receipts in Missouri under chapter 153.